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网址  2022-09-22  作者:admin    阅读:

洗文身又叫祛文身,是通过一定技术手段将原来文在身上的图案去掉,随着科学技术的高速发展,洗文身方法已经有很多了,比如冷冻法除色素、神针移热法、高频电子表针洗文身、中药洗文身、激光洗文身等,常用的是激光洗文身方法。人的皮肤分为浅层的表皮州苗木  保定网站建设 保定电动门 保定空压机 化粪池模具 微型蠕动泵 上海起帆电缆层和下面的真皮层,其中表皮层可较快地更新脱落,真皮层则不会。纹身时的色素一般都是植入在真皮层,因而是永久性的,不能自行消失,因此,祛除纹身并不是一件十分容易的事情。
Washing tattoo, also known as removing tattoo, is to remove the pattern of the original tattoo on the body by certain technical means. With the rapid development of science and technology, there are many ways to wash tattoo, such as the method of removing pigment by freezing, the method of transferring heat by magic needle, the method of washing tattoo by high frequency electronic watch, the method of washing tattoo by traditional Chinese medicine, and the method of washing tattoo by laser, etc. The human skin is divided into the superficial epidermis and the hypodermis. The pigment in tattoo is usually implanted in the dermis, so it is permanent and can not disappear by itself. Therefore, it is not easy to get rid of tattoo
